Grand Theft Auto 3

Update by  : RAUMMIL
Update by  : kanav
Update by  : gsdd
Update by  : j5
Update by  : rene olesen
Update by  : adrian
Update by  : arun prakash
Update by  : SS
Submitte by: Haspa
Type in the following codes while playing for the desired effect:

Code               Result
guns.guns,guns   - All Weapons
GESUNDHEIT       - Full Health
MOREPOLICEPLEASE - for more cops
NOPOLICEPLEASE   - for no cops
BANGBANGBANG     - Blow Up All Cars
ILIKEDRESSINGUP  - Change Outfit/Skin
ITSALLGOINGMAAAD - Peds Fight Each Other
NOBODYLIKESME    - Peds All Hate You
BOOOOORING       - Slower Time
TURTOISE         - Full Armor
ILIKESCOTLAND    - Cloudy Weather
ILOVESCOTLAND    - Rainy Weather
PEASOUP          - Foggy Weather
MADWEATHER       - Faster Time
ANICESETOFWHEELS - Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels
CHITTYCITTYBB    - Low Gravity
CORNERSLIKEMAD   - Improve Car Handling
GUNSGUNSGUNS     - All Weapons
GESUNDHEIT       - Full Health
NOPOLICEPLEASE   - Lower Wanted Level
BANGBANGBANG     - Blow Up All Cars
ILIKEDRESSINGUP  - Change Outfit/Skin
ITSALLGOINGMAAAD - Peds Fight Each Other
NOBODYLIKESME    - Peds All Hate You
BOOOOORING       - Slower Time
TORTOISE         - Full Armor
ILIKESCOTLAND    - Cloudy Weather
ILOVESCOTLAND    - Rainy Weather
PEASOUP          - Foggy Weather
MADWEATHER       - Faster Time
ANICESETOFWHEELS - Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels
CHITTYCITTYBB    - Low Gravity
CORNERSLIKEMAD   - Improve Car Handling
rayben           - unlimited health

Submitted by: Chris

Type ohhmygod and you will then be struck by lightning repeatedly

Submitted by: Csabi

You can`t repair your car in your own garage when you are on a mission!
typing "ohhmygod"(Submited by chris) will not do anything!

Submitted by: [P9S]IEatGreyFoxes

Get a car that isn't an ambulance, taxi or police and
drive around [slowly] until you find a woman who comes
and looks into your car a few times. Soon after she has
done this, she will get into the car with you. Drive on
to some grass, and stop the car. The car will rock, you
will get health [up to 125] and you will lose money.

Submitted by: Bob

convertible top on convertible cars if you want to take
down the top press [F1] it will do a 30 second replay
when the replay starts press [F1] and you will notice
the top is down or up!

Renew Car:
Submitted by: Aniket

Bring any messed-up car in the garrage next to the
save game door and keep it inside.Let the door get
closed and when it opens voila! a brand new car!

Repair cars for free:
Submitted by: Viktor

If you want to repair your car for free, just drive
in your car in the garage at the hideout. And when
the garage opens, the car is repaired! This doesen\'t
cost anything and you don\'t need to save the game.


In order to complete the 1st island just steel a banchee
from the garage near 8-Ball's place then put fly mode on ,
type: CHITTYCHITTYBB then go to the big ramp with comes by
it [which leads to the 2nd island] go through the side up
the ramp as fast as you can and you'll fly over the big gap
in the bridge and on to stauton island, this works also to
get to the 3rd island.

if u want extreme cheats go to: and search for GTA3 CHEATS

Submitted by: arun prakash

For the complete walkthrough for the game Gta3 goto:-

To get a program which edits the car stats i.e handling,
damage,speed etc goto:-

for any other tweak files goto:-

And pl visit my website:- for trainers, no-cd cracks and
everything on games.

To fly a dodo:
Submitted by: Kesa

First, bring the dodo to the runway or a wide road.
Then stop for a while. Then hold the accelerate button
and the dodo down button at once. And then you will
see a fire coming out from the bottom side of your
dodo, in that time you have to release the dodo down
button. Remember to keep your velocity, do not fly
to high or try to make a sudden turn. it will make
your dodo fall.

Submitted by: ARAB

To get 1-5 prostututes in your car just do this, try and
get a stretch drive slowly up to a prostutute and when she
starts bending ove talking just simply drive off (NOT TO
FAR) and drive up to a second prostutute and start sending
her bending over is well by this time the first prostutute
should be on her way over to your car so keep an eye out
for the whore, simply do this over and over again until you
have enough, i should tell you i have on ly got 4 in so far
but i meen i haven't tried so you maybe able to get more,
and you will only get charged for 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to find Lamar
Submitted by: Lamar Glenn

Go to 8-balls garage and pick up lamar and you could
drive around with him the whole game and he hepl you
beat up gang members.

submitted by j5

Collect 10 hidden packages and the pistol will be spawned to hideout.
Collect them 20 and the uzi will be spawned to to hideout. This can
save LOTS of money.You can collect it 2 times. Trick is: pick it up,
go to house, and then, when it ask to save game, say cancel, and pistol
is again spawned. You can't repeat this 'cuz the weapon won't spawn again
until you are busted/wasted, and you lose weapons. Then it will spawn again
and you can repeat trick.

submitted by j5

If you can't win races just do this:
Get a race mission, then get ANY vehicle, drive to start, when the race
begins, get out of it, sprint from it, press ecsape(to save time), type
BANGBANGBANG then press esc again and all cars will be "BOOMED" includin'
other race cars! Then, again get some car and win the race! Easy, isn't it?

Taxi hint:
submitted by j5

Get a taxi. Select the taxi driver mission. Complete 1st fare AND, wait!
Go collect next fare, but make sure he/she close car door on end of 0:00
second! Now you gotta unlimited time for all next fares. Trick is over
when you cancel taxi driver mission or exit taxi vehicle. Thing is really
hard to do, but once you did it, all will be easy.
Note I used cabby for this trick, not normal taxi car.

Custom music:
Submitted by: Blade

Copy some of your favorite MP3 files into the "mp3" folder in the game folder.
Start the game and you will have a new radio station titled "mp3 player".
Choose it to hear your own selections.

Submitted by: Diamantiger

More cars in Garage:
You can fit more than two cars in your hideout's garge than you are
supposed to. In the second district the garage should only hold two
cars, but you would be able to fit four in, five if they are small cars.

Park the first two cars beside each other next to the wall then park each
car after that in front of the door, get out of the car and the door will
open then quickly drive the extra cars in before the garage door shuts,
therefore you can save all the cars in the garage.

Make you own radio Station:
You can copy some of your Mp3 music into the "mp3" folder found in the
game directory. now when you start the game you will have a new radio
station called "mp3 player" which playes your music.

Free car repair:
You can have any car you want repaired for free, if your favourite car is
looking a bit worse for ware after that cop chase, just drive to your
hideout and place the car in your garage, get out and let the door close,
then step foreward to open the garage door again, and hey presto! a brand
new car (it's even been polished). This can only be done when you're not
on a mission.

Submitted by: mc_Bêtx

do the cheat for a tank (giveusatank) then type the flying cheat
(chittychittybb) and turn the shoot thing thats on the tank round
so its shooting the back then keep shooting and you will take off
and just keep shooting and you can travel far but its great fun and
funny --bêth wanna talk email me

Submitted by:  Ahmed Hafda

If you have any difficulties jumping the 2nd bridge to the 3rd island,
get a fast car like the banshee or infurnus and dont put any flying cheat
on just speed all the way till you get right to the end of the broken part
of the bridge and once you get there just before you fall into the water
press (Esc) quickly, and when your in the game menu type in CHITTYCHITTYBB
and keep your hand on accelerate and press (Esc) to go back to the game and
watch your car fly like a rocket.

If you have any difficulties trying to get the DODO flying take it to the
take off road, keep your hand Num 6 to turn the turret down and drive on
the road. Once you see sparkes let go of NUM 6 but press it every 2secs to
keep the DODO balanced. (My best time is 11mins and 36secs) try beat that.

Submitted by: Darren Fletcher

Enter the code cornerslikemad and than while you are driving press
shift and the car will jump

shoot the moon with a sniper rifle and the moon will shrink,shoot
it again and it will return to normal size

Submitted by: Muhammad Aizzat b. Rohimi

How to steal more than 1 banshee.After you stole a banshee,keep
it in your garage then save your game.After that you can steal
some more banshee.

Submitted by: lilskater

go get a hooker and drive in a alley or some thing. then the car
will start to rock(wonder why) and then you will get 125 health
but you lose some money.then she will get out of the car and get
out of the car with her and kill her and you will get your money
back and some more money.

Submitted by: Big Kausik

Easy Tank Money:
Get 2 tanks, anyway you want to, and then simple ram one tank with
another, your funds will go through the roof.

How to Fly the Tank:
This might sound absurd, but it works. First enter the code to get
a Tank, then enter the "Fly With Cars" cheat (codes page). Get into
your Tank, turn the turret 180 degrees so it's pointing backwards
and start firing the cannon rapidly. Continue doing this until you
gain altitude. To turn, just turn the turret slightly. Avoid the
tall buildings and you'll do just fine!

Lightless Taxi:
The lightless taxi can only be caught after saving/loading, it is
a glitch where the game doesn't load all items. And you save the
game with the taxi lightless so it stays like that. This theory
makes it POSSIBLE to get a lightless cop car!

BulletProof Barracks OL:
This vehicle can be obtained when playing the "Arms Shortage" mission
from Ray. During the mission, the vehicle will be BP. It will be normal
before and after the mission.

BulletProof/ExplosionProof/FlameProof Bobcat:
This vehicle can be obtained in the "Evidence Dash" mission from Ray.
During the mission, the Bobcat that has the mission packages is BP/EP/FP.
Flip the Bobcat over then push it to your hideout. Don't worry about
the rest of the packages, as the game will generate another bobcat in town.

BulletProof/ExplosionProof/FlameProof Cheetah:
This vehicle can be obtained in the "Turismo" mission from El Burro.
During the race, flip over one of the cheetahs than push it to your
garage. Do not let it out of your sight, and wait until the turismo
mission has finished.

BulletProof Patriot:
This vehicle can be obtained after completing the "Marked Man" mission
from Ray.

BulletProof Securicar, ExplosionProof Securicar:
You can obtain a BP securicar in the "Van Heist" mission from Joey Leone.
After damaging the vehicle, drive it to your hideout, and blow it up in
your garage.
You can obtain an EP securicar in the "Escort Service" mission from
Donald Love. Shoot the vehicle to blow it up, then push it to your garage.

BulletProof/DamageProof/ExplosionProof/FlameProof Stetch:
This vehicle can be obtained in the "Salvatores called a meeting" mission
from Toni. Once you visit Toni, head to Joeys but DON'T go into the blue
field. Instead, park a vehicle near the wall on the side of the building,
then enter the speed-up cheat code, then run between the vehicle and the
wall, this will cause you to walk-through the wall. Then enter the
Stretch and backup into the blue field, the vehicle will regenerate.
Afterwards, drive it to your Staunton hideout by flying over the Callahan
bridge (using the dodo physics code). Head to 8-Ball's bombshop, rig the
car with a timer bomb, then activate the car-bomb in your garage and
leave, don't let the door shut! After the vehicle explodes, walk out
letting the door shut, so the vehicle regenerates.

Secret Speeder:
Go to the airport, and go/drive down the runway that the planes don't
use until you get to the cliff, drop down the cliff, and there you have
it - a speeder (Warning, you will lose 3 points falling down).

Easy Way To Evade The Police:
Here's a simple way to get the law off your tail. Do a lot of vigilante
missions until you get like 1 or 2 police bribes in your safe house, now
if you're fast enough, you'll get there before they get you.

Respawning Weapons & Items:
If you need more weapons or something extra that can respawn (like the
weapons, health powerups, etc.), pick them up and go into your garage
on foot and run up to the back wall. Once you do this all the items you
should have picked will respawn and you can pick them up again. Do this
as many times as needed.

Submitted by: dimitris

In Staunton Island, in a mission called "A Drop In The Ocean",
you have to collect 6 packages dropped by the plane in the sea
near Yakuza's house. When you collect all 6 packages, stop the
boat, leave the steering wheel, and shoot at the moon...!!! The
moon (which is bigger than the normal) will become smaller...!!!
You can try this many times...!!!

Submitted by: dimitris

In staunton island, you can find a car (i don't remember well the
car's name, it was something like "Yurt", usually driven by the
colombians and has leopard seats!!!) which can hop!!! Just get in
it, and press num4, num5, or num6...!!! You only need good syncronisation
to make the car hop high!!!

Submitted by: Ashley Wilson

1. Do not go to the pay&spray garage for repair if you are riding a cop car
or cop van. They will be too afraid to service it. Instead, use your garage
for repairing (park in your garage, let the door close & open).

2. When you find secret packages in multiples of 10, you get weapons
delivered at your door-step. The order is as follows:
10 sec. packs - Pistol
20 " " - Uzi
30 " " - Grenade
40 " " - Shotgun
I haven't found more packages to find out what the rest are. You might-
Good Luck!

3. Steal cop car, cop van, tank, fire engine or ambulance and press 'Num +'
key to activate special missions. Complete multiples of 5 consecutive
missions to get special bonuses!

4. Locations of some cars throughout Liberty city:
a. Banshee: Near 8-ball's place in Portland- inside the glass
showroom. (There is also a secret package nearby.)
b. Mafia Sentinel: In front of Salvatore's House. You can
find two of them any time.
c. BF Injection: In front of Maria's apartment after Whacking
Salvatore, after 19:00.

5. Wanted Level 5 gets activated only after getting to 2nd island, and Level
6 after 3rd. (Even MOREPOLICEPLEASE will not override this.)

6. Go to crevices in buildings to find secret packets, if you want to play
fair. of course, you don't need to, if you use the GUNSGUNSGUNS cheat to get

7. There is a payphone near Joey's place where you can find more missions.
(It doesn't show up in the map.)

8. Do not save the game after you have activated the cheat in which people
fight each other. If you do, you'll never be able to walk safely anywhere
outside your car.

9. Don't use the tank cheat when you are in a car. The tank will appear on
top the car, causing it to explode!

10. Worst cars to ride when speed is a factor for you:
a. Stallion (also Diablo Stallion)
b. Idaho
c. Perennial

Submitted by: Psykocyber

Ambulance Mission Rewards:
Complete 35 ambulance missions to get a heart at your hideout.

Complete 70 ambulance missions to get an adrenaline pill at your hideout.

Get onto Level 12 in an ambulance mission and you will get the infinite run cheat.

Do Taxi Missions with a Different Car
Drive up to a taxi in the car you intend to use. Get in the taxi, press and hold
CAPS LOCK. Still holding CAPS LOCK, get out of the taxi and get in the car you
started with. Let go of the CAPS LOCK key and now you can do taxi missions in
that car.

Easy Fire Truck Missions
Steal a fire truck and begin the Firefighter mode. When you are assigned a new
fire to put out, press F1 to start a replay, then F1 again to cancel it. The
fire will be immediately extinguished.

Easy Vigilante Missions
When in a police car, enforcer, fbi car, or rhino, start the vigilante missions.
Drive close to the target vehicle, and press ESC to call up the options menu.
Choose 'Resume Game', and when the game resumes, your target will stop his/her
vehicle and get out, making them much easier to kill.

Tip for Entering Codes
Codes can still be entered while the game is paused (at the menu screen).
Hit Esc to pause the game, then type the codes desired. The codes' effects
will take place once you unpause. This trick does work for entering multiple
codes at once, and is especially useful when you must enter codes quickly

Flame-Thrower At Your Hideout
Complete 20 fire mission on each island to get a flamethrower at each hideout.

Hidden Package Rewards
Each of these weapons are unlocked at your hideout after getting a certain
number of hidden packages.

Police Bribes At Hideout
Complete 10 vigilante missions on one island to get a police bribe at your
hideout. Complete 20 vigilante missions on each island to get a total of 6
police bribes at each hideout.

Unlock The Borgine Taxi
Complete at least 100 taxi missions to unlock a new, faster taxi.

Hidden Package Rewards
Each of these weapons are unlocked at your hideout after getting a certain
number of hidden packages.

Unlock able                 How to Unlock
Rocket Launcher at Hideout  Find 100 Hidden Packages
M16 at Hideout              Find 90 Hidden Packages
Sniper Rifle at Hideout     Find 80 Hidden Packages
AK47 at Hideout             Find 70 Hidden Packages
Molotov’s at Hideout        Find 60 Hidden Packages
Armor at Hideout            Find 50 Hidden Packages
Shotgun at Hideout          Find 40 Hidden Packages
Grenades at Hideout         Find 30 Hidden Packages
Uzi at Hideout              Find 20 Hidden Packages
Pistol at Hideout           Find 10 Hidden Packages

Vigilante mission:
Submitted by: Vlado

In VIGILANTE mission (when you are in the police car) you must kill at
least 10 criminals to get a police bribe to your hideout. Here is a
little hint how to kill them easier. Get a fast car and drive very close
to criminal's car. Then type nopoliceplease and the criminal will step out
of the car.WHACK HIM! If you want to do that, the police must not chase you.

Crashing vehicles is a cool way!:
Submitted by: Hrishikesh Bawa  +

Take a melee weapon ad bash everyone up except the cops! The dead will leave
back some gen & somw weapons!
You could run 'em ver with a vehicle too!
beware of th gang members as they could easily call for help!

Easy weapons:
Just shoot the AMMUNATION guy straight in the head he'll leave back a pistol or so!

Fun thing to do when you've completed the game:
Submitted by: sun_walka

In GTA3, when you shoot other peoples cars, they speed off in a terrific panic.
This can be used to your advantage. It's easy, just hop onto the roof of a passing
car and fire a few shots into it. The reaction of the driver will be sure to propel
you to safety as and when needed.

Don't bother hi-jacking a car when in danger, just make sure you get on a car roof
and presto, the cops can't catch you up there! Plus, riding around town on another
person's speeding car makes for a great mobile turret, it's great fun, trust me, lol,
the things that occur when you're riding the roofs of other peoples cars are just hillarious!

Submitted by: kanishk

How to get a COOL CAR-- BF Injection:
After completing-- A's mission (first mission of Akura second city) of
killing luigi.....salvatore & others... in first city you will find the car in
the parking in front of that hostel which is near
the PAY & SPRAY !!...... Behind our hideout! in the first city.

Submitted by: nickscarface

This is a tip more than a cheat. If you are having serious trouble with
the Kenji missions, go straight to the Donald Love missions and get to
the one where you kill Kenji in the Cartel Cruiser. After you complete
this mission the Kenji missions are cancelled.

Submitted by: Muhammad Umer

when u want to go shorewale from staunton island u have to reach the
rockstar stadium,when u reach the stadium u will see a road on the
right side don't go on that road pass the road and the silver building
and u will see a road on the again right side a tunnel is starting on
in the tunnel and go where u wanna go

Submitted by: Siddharth Goswami

If you want to make sex with girl, get a car which has capacity for
seating two person. Then move and stop to a girl who has weared black
clothes looks like call girl. She will make move and sit after some time.
Then park the car somewhere on grass. Then watch the show.

Submitted by: salmanshahid_91

If u have problems doing the boat missions just type bangbangbang when u
get near the enemy.If u have problems doing the the mission bomb da base
actii just do this when u get to the dock and get in the blue light a
cinematic takes place after that 8-ball comes out and hides behind one
of the boxes before he hides run u r vehicle over him but slowly he should
not be dead when he is under u r vehicle get out and start shooting the
colombians but fast becuase 8-ball comes after a while but u also have
enough time(if u have less bullets just type gunsgunsguns as much as u want)

Float in sky, 5000$ rewarding flying stunt in GTA3:
Submitted by: S.D.Gopinath

Go to home in second island, from entrance go right side of main road and on the
left you see a "gasoline" red banner, go inside the narrow white road leading to
another main road, just opposite there is a "3" stored car parking garage, go to
the top "third" floor you see a racing sloped ramp leading up to a road park below,
from ramp just on opposite you see a zebra crossing white lines painted on the floor
and there you see a single taxi parked there, remove that taxi from there for
clearing the take off path.Now pick a faster sport car or the taxi itself, go back
to that end,and type the gravity cheat "chittychittybb" and speed up your car towards
the sloped ramp and take off from the building towards the park will
experience the real thrill in the game,floating in the sky for really 3 min and
finally land after crossing the park on a road. you will then be rewarded "5000 $$ dollars"
with a note " A great Stunt" So, do this for a thrilling and 5000$ rewarding flying stunt.

Fly Traffic:
Submitted by: Mohsin Bhatti

if you want to fly the traffic cars just get out from your car and type
"bang" 10 times you will see that the traffic cars are flying.

Go Everywhere:
Submitted by: Rohan

When you start to play the game you can not go everywhere in the other
city's by bridge because roads are closed but i can tell you how to go
there. First go in a subway and travel by train to anywhere you want to go.
You can also take a car in the subway , After you reach there you cant get
on the main road because subways are also closed. So stand in front of a
running train in the middle of the track and let the train go over you.
Due to some technical problem you will go under the land and something
rubbish happens and you find yourself on the main road. Try this repeatedly.
Dont forget to use health cheat while doing this,

Guns Cheat:
Submitted by: Mohsin Bhatti

If you want to a large number of guns ammo you need to type "guns" 20 times.
Now you have a large number of ammo for every Gun .

Submitted by: Triratna Manandhar

In The Mission Of Donald Love"A drop In The Ocean" You Have To Collect
The Packages Thrown By Plane.There will also Be The Police To Collect To Collect It By Yourself First Sit In The Boat.And When Plane
Throw 1st Packages.Get Out From The Boat And Type BangBangBang 5 Times.
Now The Police Will Killed.And You Can Collect At Any Time You Like It.

To go to next level from level 1to 2:
Submitted by: Bikesh Manandhar

first you should pick up the car which is too speed .Don't pick up slow
car or heavy truck.When you pich up the car type"CHITTYCHITTYBB" and then
4.and go to the place near the 8 ball there is one small way.Go to side
and you can cross the river and go to next level .If it is too difficult
go the the town where there the bridge but not compleated(broken bridge)
and the fly from there.